Saturday, October 24, 2009

walk wag and run!

So today was the Walk Wag & Run at White Rock Lake or to Jackson, his birthday party. The race / festival had multiple events and we participated in the 5k run and 3k dog walk / agility course. Dylan and I ran the 5k in ~26:30 and then got the dogs together for the dog walk. Jackson's favorite friends showed up, Lubs with Kingsley (collie mix) and Missy and Dylan with Pike (golden).

Update: So the results are out and Dylan and I ran the 5k in 26:40 placing 3rd in our age group and 26th overall!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

happy birthday jackson!

Happy birthday buddy! One year old and more of a puppy than ever...

Monday, October 12, 2009

right now.

i work to eat and drink and sleep just to live
feels like i'm never getting back what i give
i've got a sad song in my sweet heart
and all i really ever need is some love and attention

sometimes you've just gotta make it for yourself
sometimes sugar it just takes someone else
sometimes you've just gotta make it for yourself
sometimes baby you just need someone else

hellhole ratface - girls

I feel like this song really sums up the feel for the album. Maybe it is just my favorite track but after giving it a handful of spins you really start to feel an underlying longing in his voice and lyrics. Check it out.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hi, how are you.

So indie.folk rocker Daniel Johnston has an iPhone app out now. The 3D puzzle game takes you through colorful levels where you are trying to win back your girlfriend from what looks like the devil himself. The game is filled with Johnston's artwork and music, which makes for an great game you don't actually mute their inherent tunes. Besides the fact that I downloaded this app purely because it had Daniel Johnston's name on it, the game is actually done well. The controls are clean and the levels are fun. When you package this with decades worth of his artistic creations, the game sells. At the $.99 pricing point, why not?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

sam adams octoberfest.

i think octoberfest beers are my favorite seasonal beers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

co panoramic.

This pretty much sums up my Colorado camping trip. Compliments of Chris.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Just a typical Jackson pose...